portfolio website

Creating a website is one of the most important steps you can take for the future of your brand or business. No matter the type of business you run or services you offer, creating a website will help you drive in more customers and generate sales, alongside spreading the word about your brand. This is especially important today, considering how big and widespread the internet is. The internet medium has surpassed all other physical and digital media when it comes to reaching the largest audience and having the most impact. This goes back to the fact that the internet is a convenient, fast way to get access to information and entertainment at a cheap cost.  

Today, the internet opens up a world of opportunities to people from the comfort of their own couch, which is not something that has previously been possible. The impact of the internet stretches way beyond just entertainment and reaches the realm of business. This is great news for brands business owners, since they can now level up their work and take it to the World Wide Web to reach a larger audience. This has allowed many industries to experience a boom in business and growth beyond what was previously reasonable.  

What this means for anyone wishing to conduct business, is that they must mark their online presence through a website, which will allow potential clients to get to know them and easily deal with them. This is not in the benefit of brick and mortar businesses only, but also to individuals who are looking to exchange goods and services. Different types of websites can be made to meet the needs of different business models, notably a portfolio website.  

What is a portfolio website?

Before getting to what a portfolio website is, let’s first talk about what a portfolio is. A portfolio is a collection of one’s best work and professional projects that they showcase to potential future employers for the purpose of getting hired. Portfolios work best for creative jobs such as writing, design, photography, etc. A portfolio is the best way to showcase your previous works to employers to prove to them that you are fit for the job.  

Now, take what we just said about a portfolio and project that on an online space, and you get a lovely professional portfolio website! Like its name indicates, a portfolio website is a website dedicated to showcasing your professional work and previous projects. Creative professionals such as writers, graphic designers, photographer, videographers (and anybody that does freelance work) use this type of website to make a name for themselves in their respective industries. A portfolio website is their way to say to the world: This is who am, here is what I can do, so hire me.  

A portfolio website is the best way for you, as a professional who is looking for jobs, to show the world what you’re capable of, how versatile you can be, and how good quality the work you can present is. Sure, you can do all of these things through an old fashioned CV or regular portfolio, but you have to keep in mind that businesses do everything digitally these days, even when it comes to hiring and looking for potential project partners.


The purpose of a portfolio website

For skilled professionals and freelancers in all areas of work (photography, design, web development, writing etc.) and agencies offering creative services, a portfolio website is an essential part of business for many reasons. Your portfolio website is going to be the online gallery where you can showcase to future employers and partners your capabilities and areas of expertise, far better than any CV can. Having this would show clients your professionalism and dedication to your craft, while giving them an overview of your previous professional experiences. You can stick to traditional CVs or employment websites, but nothing says “I’m a serious professional” better than having your own website.  

A portfolio website does not have to contain ONLY your professional experience and projects you’ve previously worked on. Since the website is yours and yours only, you can add blog posts and other media you want, sharing personal stories or personal opinions that you think are relevant to your area of work. Non corporate clients in most cases are searching to hire someone who looks like a decent human being before looking at professional experience. Make sure your portfolio website can reflect few personal parts of you or what you stand for as an agency.  

Also, a portfolio website can be a way for you to share your innovative ideas with the world. This appoints you as a master of your craft while allowing other to get inspired from your new ideas, making you even more revered and respected in your field.  


Do you have a project in mind?

Things your portfolio website should include

Your professional information

Your portfolio website should include a section about your professional info, a bit like a CV. This could mean things academic background, relevant certifications, important previous employers etc. Make sure you add relevant info to all of these, such as dates and names of institutions.

Previous works

Clearly, the purpose of a portfolio website is to showcase your previous professional projects. These need to easy to find, placed front and center in your website.

High quality visuals

Accompanying your previous projects should be a set of matching visuals proving to future clients your quality of work. These could be pictures documenting the process, capturing the final results, or screenshots if you work on digital projects.

A call to action

A strong call to action is necessary to your portfolio website. You want people landing on your website to contact you or hire you for business right? Draw them in with a compelling call to action on the home page.

Contact information

Another important feature that needs to be included somewhere clear and easy to find in your portfolio website is your contact information. That’s the easiest way for future clients to reach you, consequently hiring you.


Alongside your previous project, the next best way to prove your quality of work to employers is through testimonials. Try asking every client to leave a testimonial for how they liked working with you, and compile all of those to add to your website.

These were the ins and outs of a portfolio website that you need to know as a freelancer or as a services agency. This type of website is going to allow you to showcase to the world what you’re capable of, consequently driving in more business clients. To create your own portfolio website today, contact us here or check out our offers.


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